USA will overtake Italy and China today in COVID19 cases


Sep 19, 2019
US will overtake both Italy and China with Covid 19 infections by end of today. Let that sink in, especially for all of you that buy into Trump's "up and running by Easter" and "it's a hoax" statements

These are facts

Flame at will

New member
Jan 18, 2005
US will overtake both Italy and China with Covid 19 infections by end of today. Let that sink in, especially for all of you that buy into Trump's "up and running by Easter" and "it's a hoax" statements

These are facts

Flame at will

For one you are comparing numbers that are not equal to begin with. China has stopped testing weeks ago, you really believe they have no new cases?
Italy is only a country of 60 million.

Seriously, must you always try to sensationalize things every day here?

It is getting old and clearly you don't care about honesty or facts, just your agenda.
To be honest it's insulting..

Do you really think people are stupid? Come on man it's old already.
Do something constructive...

Sep 19, 2019
For one you are comparing numbers that are not equal to begin with. China has stopped testing weeks ago, you really believe they have no new cases?
Italy is only a country of 60 million.

Seriously, must you always try to sensationalize things every day here?

It is getting old and clearly you don't care about honesty or facts, just your agenda.
To be honest it's insulting..

Do you really think people are stupid? Come on man it's old already.
Do something constructive...

So when a country is larger than the US but has less infections you erroneously claim that they have "stopped testing" with no proof. When a country is smaller than the US but has less infections you use the lower population as some kind of justification for the US and Trump allowing the virus to spread uncontrollably. Keep your head in the sand man, see if I care. All I did was state facts, US will be the world leader in infections today and will be the world leader in Covid 19 deaths in about a week

May 17, 2015
US will overtake both Italy and China with Covid 19 infections by end of today. Let that sink in, especially for all of you that buy into Trump's "up and running by Easter" and "it's a hoax" statements

These are facts

Flame at will

Do not come here to bark every day. Nobody believes what you and the Chinese Communist Party say
Oct 9, 2009

<header style="color: rgb(17, 17, 17); font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", serif; font-size: 16px;">[h=1]Desperate Wuhan Residents Denounce China for Hiding Continued Coronavirus Spread[/h]<aside id="social-share-buttons" class="bnn-social-share" data-fbc="18" style="position: relative; border-bottom: 5px solid rgb(255, 255, 255); height: 38px; width: 630px;">
</aside><figure style="margin: 0px; height: auto; max-width: 990px; padding: 0px; position: relative;">
<figcaption style="background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); bottom: 0px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 11px; line-height: 25px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px 10px; position: absolute; right: 0px; z-index: 99;"><cite style="font-family: inherit; font-style: normal; font-weight: inherit; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">Getty Images</cite></figcaption></figure><footer style="font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal; margin: 0px; padding: 15px 0px;"><address data-n="" style="font-family: inherit; font-style: normal; font-weight: inherit; margin: 0px 7px 0px 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px 7px 0px 0px; vertical-align: baseline; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; border-right: 1px dotted rgb(153, 153, 153);">FRANCES MARTEL</address><time datetime="2020-03-25T07:34:32Z" style="border-right: 1px dotted rgb(153, 153, 153); margin: 0px 7px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 7px 0px 0px; color: rgb(118, 118, 118); display: inline-block;">25 Mar 2020</time>
</header>Residents of Wuhan, China – where the coronavirus pandemic originated – told various media outlets throughout the week that Communist Party-run hospitals were turning away people with coronavirus symptoms and failing to document new cases, allowing Beijing to claim the outbreak in Wuhan was largely over.
Chinese state media celebrated the alleged return to normalcy in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people in central China, on Wednesday, announcing that the Communist Party was allowing public transport buses back on the street and slowly letting businesses re-open (all economic activity in China is controlled by the Communist Party).
“Wuhan, the once hardest-hit city in central China’s Hubei Province during the COVID-19 [Chinese coronavirus] outbreak, resumed a total of 117 bus routes starting Wednesday, around 30 percent of the city’s total bus transport capacity, the municipal transport bureau said,” the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.
The Global Times, another Communist Party propaganda outlet, applauded Wuhan’s Hubei province on Wednesday and called for Beijing to shift “the focus of the prevention and control work toward relapses of domestic cases and increases of imported ones” – meaning focusing on identifying foreigners or Chinese flying in from abroad who are carrying the virus, rather than identifying domestic viral infections.
China had spent most of the past week celebrating not documenting any coronavirus cases in Wuhan until Tuesday, when it revealed that a doctor in the city tested positive for coronavirus. Wuhan officials claimed the doctor was the only documented case in the city that day and that they did not have an explanation for how he or she got infected since no other cases existed in the city.
Reports citing Wuhan locals appear to have the answer: the virus continues to spread throughout the city, but the Chinese Communist Party has simply decided not to test or treat patients with symptoms. Hong Kong broadcaster RTHK quoted several Wuhan residents, speaking anonymously out of fear of arrest or censorship, who said that they had witnessed Wuhan medical staff refusing to test individuals with clear symptoms resembling coronavirus infection.
“Despite claims made by mainland authorities that there have been no new local infections of the coronavirus in Wuhan in the last few days, people there have told RTHK this is simply not the case,” the broadcaster reported on Monday. “They say patients are being turned away from hospitals without testing to back the official data, which one person described as a ‘not medical, but political treatment.'”
Among those speaking to RTHK were a man who said that his mother was suffering from pneumonia, a common severe symptom of coronavirus infection, that developed after hospitals deemed her “cured” of coronavirus but no hospital would treat her.
“He said there is nothing much he can do because he can’t leave his home as a lockdown is still in force, and local health authorities only told him to wait,” RTHK noted.
The broadcaster also cited a relative of a patient at a Wuhan hospital being treated for an unrelated disease saying that she had seen, from her hospital bed, the health workers treating her rejecting people who showed symptoms of coronavirus infections.

On Friday, Radio Free Asia (RFA), a U.S. outlet, published similar concerns from those in Wuhan who say the government has essentially stopped documenting coronavirus cases to be able to say that the outbreak is over.
“There are 60 million people in Hubei, and they have all just been left to live or die without any help,” a Wuhan resident identified as Zhang Ruyi told RFA. “It’s basically down to a person’s immune system.”
The RFA article also cited local reports that as many as 20 people in one Wuhan hospital on one day last week, Wednesday, were showing symptoms of coronavirus infection.
“Some of the people discharged from the temporary hospitals are relapsing and then testing positive after they get home,” a Wuhan resident identified only as Wu noted.
Another, Liu Songyang, protested that it was impossible to know just how much danger Wuhan residents were in, because “we can’t tell whether there are new cases in the hospitals or not.” Liu added certainty that “local officials are sure to be covering up the truth.”
The concerns echoed by these reports do not address the concern of asymptomatic carriers of coronavirus, which may account for as many as 59 percent of cases in Wuhan, according to a recent Chinese study. They also do not reflect concern over the Chinese government’s decision not to count “mild” cases of confirmed coronavirus patients in its official tally beginning in February, meaning that potentially millions of cases went unreported. Both also surfaced in reports this week; Caixin Global cited a Wuhan infectious disease expert in a report Monday who said that the city continued to identify “several or more than a dozen asymptomatic infected individuals” on a daily basis, none of which count towards the official numbers offered to the World Health Organization.
In addition to the WHO, most major world governments are counting on Communist Party numbers to map out their own responses to the virus at home.
“You know, if you watch the trend lines over time, and if you watch them, as you line them up with South Korea, they’re very similar. So, at this point, at this moment, we would believe those data,” Dr. Deborah Birx, a member of the White House’s coronavirus response task force, told Fox News’ Bret Baier last week, responding to if she believed China’s claim that Wuhan was no longer seeing new cases of coronavirus.

Sep 19, 2019
yeah, Breitbart now there's a reliable source of info. So you're saying China is lying about the virus spreading within it's borders but the fact that the virus is spreading uncontrollably in the US as a direct result of Trump lying to the american public is somehow morally superior?

Plus you are buying into the Orangutan's claim that the US will be "up and running by Easter" as somehow feasible?


New member
Jan 18, 2005
For one you are comparing numbers that are not equal to begin with. China has stopped testing weeks ago, you really believe they have no new cases?
Italy is only a country of 60 million.

Seriously, must you always try to sensationalize things every day here?

It is getting old and clearly you don't care about honesty or facts, just your agenda.
To be honest it's insulting..

Do you really think people are stupid? Come on man it's old already.
Do something constructive...

I guess you did not read and actually use your brain or some analytical thinking.

You are about as sharp as a marble and your daily posts are using good bandwidth for nothing.
Yes, they are facts or whatever you want to call them..
I will call them your opinion

Oh and you can't even be civil in a conversation when talking with someone
need to insult them and call them names.

Nothing but human refuse that needs to be taken outside and dumped

As I said in other thread this is the worst forum when it comes to posters.
So many ignorant, unintelligent, agenda driven blockheads here...

New member
Apr 7, 2016
yeah, Breitbart now there's a reliable source of info. So you're saying China is lying about the virus spreading within it's borders but the fact that the virus is spreading uncontrollably in the US as a direct result of Trump lying to the american public is somehow morally superior?

Plus you are buying into the Orangutan's claim that the US will be "up and running by Easter" as somehow feasible?

you liberal fucks love quoting trump but... not really what he truly said...said he would LIKE 2 be up a running by liberals fucks are nasty people

New member
Jan 18, 2005
US will overtake both Italy and China with Covid 19 infections by end of today. Let that sink in, especially for all of you that buy into Trump's "up and running by Easter" and "it's a hoax" statements

These are facts

Flame at will

Do you actually believe the info that China has put out for numbers?

They have not moved for weeks, are you that obtuse and ignorant?
China has stopped testing weeks ago.

Italy has a smaller population, only 60 million compared to over 300 million here.
So it is not surprising that we would have more cases than they would

I am going to call you Goebbels from now on or maybe Baghdad Bob would be more appropriate.

New member
Jan 18, 2005
US will overtake both Italy and China with Covid 19 infections by end of today. Let that sink in, especially for all of you that buy into Trump's "up and running by Easter" and "it's a hoax" statements

These are facts

Flame at will

Do you really believe that China only has had 3,200 deaths?

The place it started, ran unabated for months, and they only had 3,200 deaths.

I have a bridge and some swamp land for you to buy if you do

New member
Apr 7, 2016
Do you actually believe the info that China has put out for numbers?

They have not moved for weeks, are you that obtuse and ignorant?
China has stopped testing weeks ago.

Italy has a smaller population, only 60 million compared to over 300 million here.
So it is not surprising that we would have more cases than they would

I am going to call you Goebbels from now on or maybe Baghdad Bob would be more appropriate.
commies always believe commies

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
The Drumbeat, or is it beaten drum? hard to tell sometimes

You know this dude whacks off to this stuff


^^^^^ she be hot
Feb 20, 2002
Mar 13, 2020
The Drumbeat, or is it beaten drum? hard to tell sometimes

You know this dude whacks off to this stuff


^^^^^ she be hot

Perhaps knock it off. Ur posts are always so emotional. The above isn't ur worst(not even close) but always dripping with emotion.

Maybe instead of being an expert on everything try to learn something new each day. :)

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Perhaps knock it off. Ur posts are always so emotional. The above isn't ur worst(not even close) but always dripping with emotion.

Maybe instead of being an expert on everything try to learn something new each day. :)

emotional? I'm fucking laughing, seriously

Not at the virus, but how some people react and talk about it. Then youse want to advise the rest of us when I ejaculate more knowledge

WTF can I do besides mock relentlessly? Do you think I'm going to try and reach you?

Thank you for entertaining me though, it is somewhat amusing
Mar 13, 2020
emotional? I'm fucking laughing, seriously

Not at the virus, but how some people react and talk about it. Then youse want to advise the rest of us when I ejaculate more knowledge

I know. That's how u answer everytime. But the reality is u get emotional everytime. Ur a partisan which is fine. But perhaps take my previous advice. Also stay safe(I actually mean it, not an insult against u or trump)
Sep 21, 2004
Do you actually believe the info that China has put out for numbers?

They have not moved for weeks, are you that obtuse and ignorant?
China has stopped testing weeks ago.

Italy has a smaller population, only 60 million compared to over 300 million here.
So it is not surprising that we would have more cases than they would

I am going to call you Goebbels from now on or maybe Baghdad Bob would be more appropriate.

What's even funnier, is that the fucking retard ends his post with "these are facts."

It's almost unfathomable how utterly fucking stupid these people are.

Funny how they try and hide behind a ghost, as if we can't tell.

Mr Bet it All. <------- Fucking retarded Casper


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
US will overtake both Italy and China with Covid 19 infections by end of today. Let that sink in, especially for all of you that buy into Trump's "up and running by Easter" and "it's a hoax" statements

These are facts

Flame at will

Right now the Wuhan virus is killing 3 people for every 1m in the US - 0.0003% of the population. Same as Germany and South Korea.

By all means, continue your melodramatic "the sky is falling!" posts. With no sports to wager on, what else are you going to do?

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